The United States had fought against a monarchy, having been ruled by it beforehand as well. Former British Colonies that were treated with a hands off approach but were then deemed to bow before the Royalty that did not represent them. This sort of disconnect drew terrible policies towards the colonies with the ruling class doing whatever they really wished. Revolutionaries rose forth and fought against things such as the taxation on so many items. Tea was one such breaking point as it would be like taxing water heavily, the drink people would seek to be sated with. The expression “Taxation without Representation” was such a strong war cry that it rallied so many to stand up against such tyranny that strained and choked the colonies. These colonials learned first hand the true dirty side of Monarchy rule and when given the chance to implement their own system, they would create the foundation of what the United States of America is today.
The presence of the American President was founded at the start of the nation. Its purpose was to enact as part of the checks and balances system provided by the executive branch of the United States government. This Executive Branch stands as one with the Legislative and Judiciary Branch which are the three primary systems structured into our government. The President represents the head of the Executive Branch but also the voice of the government that all three branches reside inside. The importance of this position was needed because the President is also the voice of the government to those internationally. Before the increasing levels of democratization the United States experienced in the 1900s where the President came to represent more for the people, the Electoral College still remains as the aspect that determines who is the Head of State. Not by birthright or by tyranny but rather by election of those that govern, the President was founded as the leader of the United States.