Instructions for Post #1

You have read about how and why we study the presidency in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 is an in-depth look at the development of the presidency and its relationship to the Constitution. Now is a good time to think through these two chapters and consider carefully why the new independent country of the United States moved from the Articles of Confederation to a stronger federal government with a singular Executive.

In this blog post, please use what you have learned so far to answer the question “Why do YOU think we have a president in the United States of America?” You may want to draw on the theories and ideas of governance in the Framer’s world or the governmental antecedents to the Constitution or federalism or a combination of all three or other material from the course.   Just be sure that at the start of your post you have a thesis statement.   This will be true for all your posts.   In other words, answer the question posed in a single sentence then go on in your post to explain your response. Your title should also be evocative of what you think the answer is. Your posts need to be between 400-500 words and must use the material you have learned.   They are due, Friday 4 September.